We have a little Take Action request from the great SurfRider non-profit organization. This one is asking for petitions to make sure the EPA is enforcing the requirement of the best technology being used by these companies to not harm the oceans. Visit the link below to get signed up and add on to our voice.
This is what Coastal Playground is all about, keeping beaches clean and safe for our future generations.
Every day, across the US, older power plants suck in and kill ocean life and disrupt the delicate ecological balance of our coastal and ocean environment through a process commonly called “once-through cooling.” This process is outdated and these older power plants can retrofit with newer technology that re-circulates the water necessary to cool the generators. Re-circulating cooling systems are commonplace on newer power plants and should be standard equipment on every power plant in the country.
The Clean Water Act mandates that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require all power plants in the country use the “best technology available” to avoid killing ocean life. For years, EPA failed to draft rules to enforce the protection of our precious marine life until the environmental community finally forced them to take action through several lawsuits. Unfortunately, the EPA is once again attempting to avoid their duty and is considering a new rule that leaves enforcement up to the states. THAT’S NOT RIGHT! In fact, that’s what EPA has been doing since the Clean Water Act was passed nearly 40 years ago. IT HASN’T WORKED BEFORE – AND IT WON’T WORK NOW!!
Please join Surfrider Foundation and numerous other organizations in telling EPA to fully enforce the Clean Water Act by telling the electric generating industry to update their antiquated power plants with technology that re-circulates cooling water and eliminates the unnecessary death of our precious marine life.
Nearly forty years of avoiding their duty is over. It’s well past time for EPA to enforce the laws that protect our wonderful and precious marine wildlife!