Friday, September 30, 2011

Action Packed: Let your voices be heard. Art is not a crime!

Statement from the Artist:

End Mural Moratorium. Art Is Not A Crime…
The reason I hired five jet planes to sky write over City Hall and downtown Los Angeles is to bring awareness to how ridiculous a moratorium on public art is.

The city states that all public murals are signage, effectively banning art from the walls of Los Angeles. And it is removed at the taxpayers’ expense. Money is given to private graffiti removal companies, who have broken onto private property to paint murals beige. The owners of small businesses where murals have been painted have been harassed and threatened with fines if they do not remove the artwork. Police officers raid homes and places of work, intimidating artists and building owners. During this time of economic crisis, “mural signs” are an easy target for the city to extract money. This moratorium is a clear violation of the first amendment right to free speech and enforcement for these unreasonable laws is a complete waste of taxpayer funds.

To put things in perspective I recently visited the beautiful set of murals inside the Terminal Annex Building on Alameda. This mural was painted in 1941-44 and was funded by the “Works Progress Administration” (WPA). Murals are just a part of the legacy of a national program that put the country to work during the Great Depression.

Fast-forward to the Great Recession, taxpayer money is now used to obliterate all traces of the artwork my generation have created. I believe this is city-funded censorship pushed by lawmakers with personal vendettas. Potential jail time is more probable for us than the opportunity of creating an artistic legacy for the next generation. In a city that used to proudly call itself the “Mural Capitol Of The World,” the officials who enforce this ban should be ashamed to call themselves “Angelinos.”
Art Is Not A Crime… End Mural Moratorium.


Click on the link below to sign the petition: 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who Ever Told You That This is the Land of the Free is Your Enemy

Philosophically speaking of course.

Whoa what a month this has been. So much political strife in the atmosphere. And it aint even close to being over. We here at CP know that to keep the ocean's clean, it all has to start with the inner mainland. So lets get on with 2 of our targets, shall we?

- Millions of publicly owned acres are up for grabs ... for the oil, gas and mining tycoons. That must be the meaning of "Land of the Free," right?

- What's the theory for what destroyed the civilizations of Easter Island and Central America? Ah, yes, the depletion of vital resources. 1000 years later, I don't think we've learned shit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Action Packed: Protect Our Ocean and Coastal Resources from Desalination Facilities

Plans for more than 20 ocean desalination facilities are currently underway in California. Unfortunately these plans are moving forward at a pace which precludes thoughtful consideration of the impacts that these facilities will have on water quality, marine life, and greenhouse gas emissions. Many facilities propose to use once-through cooling (OTC) pipes to draw in seawater, along with all of the marine life in it. Additionally, California does not have regulations in place to protect the ocean ecosystem from toxic brine pollution generated by desalination facilities. The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) is charged with recommending environmentally protective policies on ocean issues. OPC’s Five Year Draft Strategic Plan currently includes a section that recommends no new open-ocean intake facilities in California, but this is not debatable. Join us in telling OPC to release a Strategic Plan that makes it clear to state agencies and dischargers that desalination facilities should not be using destructive OTC pipes.

Send your message by clicking the link below!

Action Packed: California legislature passed a ban on shark fins

Call Gov. Brown's desk (916) 445-2841 to make sure he signs the bill!

(Reuters) - Shark fin soup would be off the menu in California, under a bill headed for the governor's desk following its approval by the state Senate on Tuesday.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Action Packed: Let's Protest the Living Daylights out of Ed Royce

Calling all CP Foot Soldiers in the So Cal area!

There is a protest being held by the in Orange against the deficit and the ongoing job cuts across America. We're hoping that Ed Royce (representative for the area) is there to hear us out and if not, we are sending videos of the event to his office. It will be held at 7 PM and you can find more info by clicking on the CP Foot Soldier below.

We hope to see some of you out there!

Action Packed: Its not just the Chicken of the Sea you're eating ...

Happy Friday CP Foot Soldiers,
We have a petition here against the Chicken of the Sea company and the harmful and destructive ways in which they catch their tuna for their products. They don't only capture tuna, they kill thousands of sharks, sea turtles, birds, etc with the methods they use and its time we let them know that they better start using up some R & D and find ways that are respectful to the environment and the creatures that inhabit them. Follow the link to the petition by clicking on the image below.

Courtesy of
Take Action