Welcome to the CP hour, covering all the goodies for your filling. And today our topic is netting. Like a net of being, a singular organism comprised of an entire composition of singular organisms, all working together to stitch out this great universe.
Wow! Ladies and gentlemen, that there is no acid trip of a theory but it does put it into a pretty perception. We're all made up of the same matter and our position and intricacy is far greater than meets the eye.
Case in point. Check out this article that talks about how the ocean is vital for the survival of land creatures and vice versa. Its a little scientific, but none the less a great read, on understanding just how incredibly balanced everything on this blue planet is. And how unbelievably ingorant we are to its value. There is a reason that nature has made what its made the way that its made it. (Was that a tongue twister?) Lets enjoy it for all its worth and that there is the reason CP is in function, to protect it for future generations.
Art in its natural form. Sigh ....